4 days to go

4 days to go...

I can never sleep before a trip! it starts around one week before so you could easily say that I'm awake 24/7 for seven days. Not really but almost. It's just too many emotions and at the same time I'm scared to death to fly. A little ironic since I love to travel.

I love the feeling at the airport though, I'm always a lot of hours ahead before the departure. Just so I can walk around and touch the feelings it brings up. The feeling of getting somewhere, of not knowing whats going to happen, the feeling of the unknown. I can just sit there and watch peope with luggage, watch the flights leaving ground and taking off against the blue sky. I love the airport feeling with all my heart, Until I have to get on the plane and suffer for several hours.

I still can't believe that I'm leaving, that I cleaned everything out. I know it's just a vacation, I know it's not even 2 months. But why does it feel like something else. Maybe becasue I'm giving my apartment away, turning down job offers and getting ready to leave everything. making sure I don't have any commitments left. I don't know, or maybe I just know myself to well. Maybe I know deep inside that anything could happen.

Or maybe I just really hate goodbyes...


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